Bilder von der Gründung
2011: Teaching in UET University in Tirana, Albania, „Master for Positive Psychotherapy and Consultation“
Vis. Prof. in UET, Tirana Albania 2011
Bulgaria 1991 – 2014
2014: Training with the Bulgarian Trainers for Positive Psychotherapy in Varna
Bulgarian Encounters with the Pope of Sozopol
China 1999-2012
2010: Pedagogic Conference in Beijing,China: Keynote Lecture about Positive Pedagogy
China: Triaining in Clinics
1999 – 2012: Trainings for Positive Psychotherapy in Beijing, Nanjing, Tianjin and Shanghai, China
MC in China 2010
2010: MC, lectures and Pedagogic Conference in China 2010
Makedonia 2013
Cruising on Lake Ohrid with the colleagues of the Positive Psychotherapy Conferencebetween Makedonia and Albania
Workshops in the Makedonia conference 2013
Russia 1992 – 2013
1992 Kazan, Russia: Seminar for Positive Psychotherapy for participants from many different regions of the Russian Republic, Trainer: Nossrat Peseschkian, Arno Remmers
Ladakh, India 2013
Ladakh – encounters with Buddhist monks